January 21, 2003


I spent some time at the end of last week over at Eschaton engaged in discussion about Affirmative Action. I found it interesting that by taking the position that judging people by race or ethnicity was wrong, I was told I might (giving me the benefit of the doubt) be a racist; others didn't give the benefit and said anyone who said anything along the lines that either you shouldn't discriminate or that we live in a colorblind society or just bringing up the word quota is racist. The interesting thing was, nobody said we DO live in a colorblind society; a few said we OUGHT to live in a colorblind society. Anyway, rabid partisans are rabid partisans whether they are on the left, right, center, or uncategorizable. They're always right and those whom they oppose are always wrong. They divide people into two categories - allies and enemies. Allies are always right, enemies are always wrong. Anything an enemy does is another example of why they aren't just wrong, they're evil. They don't need to listen or try to understand; attack, attack attack is all that is needed. As I said, rabid partisans exist all across the political spectrum (and always have). Bush haters, meet Clinton haters.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at January 21, 2003 01:07 PM | Culture
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