January 13, 2003

Does God Play Dice?

Well, Einstein was just proven right about the speed of gravity. But so far, his famous saying "God does not play dice" seems to be wrong. Quantum mechanics continues to be probabilistic, not deterministic. In fact, not only does God appear to play dice, he seems to be far more fond of it than beetles. But Gerald 't Hooft is trying to reconcile the two opposite views with a new theory. Right now we have a probabilistic quantum scale giving rise to a deterministic seeming classical scale. Einstein wanted a scale below the quantum, controled by what were known as hidden variables. Well, an experiment in the '80s eliminated hidden variables as tenable science. But 't Hooft thinks he may have found a way around it; the trouble is, this new scale is so small it's far beyond the ability of current technology to measure. Ah, the joys of theoretical physics.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at January 13, 2003 04:00 PM | Science
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By the illustration, not only does it appear God play dice with the universe, he plays *fuzzy* dice! (Wonder if he hangs them from his rear-view mirror... ;-)

Alas, we currently teeter on the edge of measurability...

Posted by: Tim at January 13, 2003 10:29 PM