January 10, 2003

Better Than Sliced Bread

Femtosecond Lasers. Lasers that can vaporize anything in a single pulse, but delicate enough for a woman. Or a man, since I figure I'll get my eyes LASIK'ed by these soon, which in my time frame of reference means the next decade. These lasers have two big benefits: one is they work so fast the material is vaporized before it can transmit any heat into the surrounding material, and two you can actually control the depth in a transparent material at which the vaporization occurs. Mega cool. The coming revolution, if nano-technology and gene manipulation doesn't get there first.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at January 10, 2003 12:59 PM | Science
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I know this wasn't the main point, but...

Lasik -- if you do it, please post about it! I've considered it, but am concerned about somme of the long-term effects and night vision blur.

Posted by: Tim at January 12, 2003 07:05 PM