November 07, 2002

Barbarians Within The Gates

City Journal has a depressing and scary article about the failure of immigrants to assimilate in France. From what little I know, this same article could be written about most European countries, which took in immigrants in the 60's and 70's at a time of low unemployment but are now stuck with a lump of locally born yet unassimilated foreigners who have by and large never known work. They form a sort of Islamic Horse. Europe has very high unemployment due to "enlightened" work policies, unassimilated immigrants due to "enlightened" multiculturalism, and the breakdown of society within these immigrant communities due to an "enlightened" welfare state. After reading the article, I have to wonder if America won't be called upon again to fight in Europe if these communities become centers of terrorism or even go to war against their hosts.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at November 7, 2002 01:05 PM | International Politics
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