October 23, 2002

Provisional Voting

Think we’ll know the outcomes of the election by the morning of Nov 6? Think again. There is a new thing under the sun, provisional ballots, which allow people to vote if they are not on the rolls on election day, with their status to be verified later. Missouri is just one of many states that offer it; next election all states will by federal statute. So the Talent vs. Carnahan race, which could swing the Senate to the Republicans the moment it’s certified, could take up to two weeks to have a winner determined. When you consider the polls for this race are close, and Talent lost his last election (for Governor) by only 20,000 votes, the decision really could hinge on the provisional ballots. Once again we will have teams poring over votes, deciding whether or not they count. And if the past is any guide, most of them will be from black urban voters. Won’t it be fun when the Sharpton circus comes to town with cries of disenfranchisement?

Posted by Kevin Murphy at October 23, 2002 06:35 PM | Local Politics
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