October 11, 2002

Jimmy Carter Wins Nobel Peace Prize

Jimmy Carter won the Nobel peace prize today. His accomplishments are legendary: he brought Peace to the Middle East, brought democracy to Haiti, and brought North Korea back into the fold of enlighted rule.

The awards committee said giving the award to Carter was a criticism of current U.S. policy and "a kick in the leg" to those following the same line. Or it could be a shot in their own foot, as they continue to pick people who haven't done a thing for peace. At least Carter isn't a promoter of violence like Arafat or Le Duc Tho, a couple of Peace Prize winners. Instead, he helps evil flourish because he is unwilling to acknowledge and confront the evil (what they call an enabler in therapeutic circles).

I did note the article contains one error - it says he narrowly averted an invasion of Haiti in 1994; actually he was the bagman on a payoff to the thugs who then ran Haiti and ran from Haiti with millions of US dollars when they learned the 82nd airborne was on the way to remove them from power. The US still invaded Haiti, but it was unopposed.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at October 11, 2002 12:29 PM | International Politics
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