March 09, 2004

Tis the Season

Since Missouri is both a battleground and bellweather state, the political ads have started. I'm getting more tired of the "I'm state your name, and I approved this ad" formula than anything else -- yet.

I'm not outraged by the Bush ads showing the devastation at World Trade Center following the terrorist attack there. I am outraged at the lying sacks of shaving cream who work for and their fraudulent ad. Of course, the organization itself is a fraudulent organisation (to borrow a meme from Kerry) as it came into being as a group of so-called political moderates to advocate that we just move on from President Clinton's legal problems. Somehow these moderates have consistantly acted as left wing partisans -- all the while claiming to dislike partisanship.

I also get to see ads for the Democrats running for the Senate in Illinois - after Rod Blago... won the race for Governor and credited his St. Louis media buys that covered southern Illinois, the Democrats especially run a lot of ads here meant for Illinois. Blair Hull is like a friend these days who pops in constantly without warning.

I've noticed that a lot of Democrats and some Republicans have difficulty with the difference between price and cost. Cost is what it takes to make or provide something. Price is what you are charged for the thing or service. Politicians are constantly telling me how they are going to lower the cost of something -- typically healthcare, ocasionally housing -- when all they are going to do is lower the obvious price and do nothing for cost. Are they going to do anything about the government regulation and oversight that adds to the cost? Heck no. They're going to have a single pay system dictate price. It's enough to make you vote Libertarian.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at March 9, 2004 12:40 PM | National Politics
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