March 25, 2004

Learn Something New

Well, now we know that likening someone to Hitler isn't name calling, it's just "irreverent comedy and smart deconstruction of the foibles of the right." I suppose that isn't so shocking since its de rigeur to say you're not a name caller right before calling someone a name. And I always thought that Hitler as a socialist was a leftist. Oh well, I'm hopelessly modern and still believe words have actual meanings.

What's really shocking is finding out that Hitler was "highly entertaining and had emotion, highs, lows, passion." No wonder he sent millions on one way train trips to the gas chambers. Glad to know it wasn't because he was a crazed Jew-hater.

The good news is that after reading this blog, nobody will accuse me -- boring, even-keeled intellectual dullard that I am -- of being like Hitler.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at March 25, 2004 12:12 PM | National Politics
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