May 14, 2004

What Memory Hole?

I haven’t seen the video of Nick Berg’s cold blooded murder, and I don’t want to. But you know what, the press is always telling and showing me stuff I have no desire to know about or see “for my own good”. It used to be video of teenagers whizzing in the pickle jar at a fast food restaurant – thanks for ruining eating out (here’s a tip: don’t upset your server until after the food arrives). Or it was how grocery stores sell you rotted food soaked in bleach – thanks for ruining eating in.

But now its showing me pictures that only the Marquis de Sade could love, all the while telling me it’s the fault of the Bushies (anyway could we retire that phrase along with Clintonistas? Just asking). Apparently though, my sensibilities are too delicate to see somebody get their head chopped off and held aloft for the camera. So instead they just show a picture of Berg trussed up in front of his killers, or they have video up to the point his killers take out the knife and saw his head off. Here's an idea for a compromise - provide the soundtrack. Let's listen to what his murderers have to say while the guy screams, gurgles, and dies, and we will get a pretty good idea what they want to do to all of us Americans.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at May 14, 2004 01:34 PM | Media Criticism
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