April 21, 2005

What Are They Thinking?

I'm filing this under solution in search of a problem -- Google will keep track of all your search requests for you. Thanks Google, but that helps me how? If I want to keep track of something I've found, I use a bookmark. Very handy, those. Perhaps Google hasn't heard of them.

It's not a savvy public relations move - Americans are down right privacy paranoid these days, and few of us are comfortable with the thought of anybody keeping track of every search we ever make. Now I understand that you have to register and then log in to have your searches remembered, but the perception is going to be that Google is keeping track. And if people get to thinking and consider that their ISPs can keep track of that plus all the web sites they've ever visited, the country is going to get one great big queesy feeling -- I could even see a bout of legislation coming on. Nope, somethings are best left unremarked and hopefully unthought of.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at April 21, 2005 11:52 AM | Technology