March 20, 2003

I'm, I'm, I'm So Confused

Al Gore has joined the Apple Board of Directors. I'm a fan of Apple (although I try to be an unobnoxious one). I am not a fan of Al Gore. I guess Steve Jobs gave him a pity seat; Al, you're never going to Disneyland, you loser, but you can be on the Apple board.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at March 20, 2003 12:28 PM | Technology
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C'mon Kevin -- think of Al's great tech credentials: I mean, the guy single-handedly invented the internet. :-)

And let's not forget his little treatise on the future of the "Information Superhighway".

Perhaps he feels that MS has bought the RNC, so Apple will need a party of its own...

Posted by: Tim at March 22, 2003 08:14 PM