Amazing Race 5 Halftime

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I have to admit I was disappointed that the last leg was a non-elimination leg on Amazing Race. Here was a chance to eliminate the twins, Kami and Karli, whose collective IQ seems to be lower than their independent IQ. Whenever they seem to just charge off and do something stupid, luck rescues them, whether in the form of Chip taking them where they need to go in Egypt or a non-elimination leg.

Now that the truly obnoxious people are out except for Colin, he seems to be going out of his way to compensate. Maybe there was important footage left on the cutting room floor, but it sure looked like Colin tried to screw a poor taxi driver out of $50 - not a large sum to us, but I'm sure a large sum to a Tanzanian taxi driver. Getting into the taxi he agreed to a $100 fee, and happy to do so over the $150 demanded by the other drivers. Getting out of the taxi, he was inventing conditions like not driving on a spare and arriving in the same position he left. Not content with raving at the driver who went and got a police officer, he went ballistic at the police station and the police officers there. I think that without the camera's rolling, Colin might have suffered a different outcome. What kind of lunatic risks jail in Tanzania over $50 that isn't even his? What kind of women (that means you, Christie) puts up with someone as abusive as Colin? Colin and Christie just make me long for the days of Terry and Ian.

Last week I cheered when Mirna got the boot. It's too bad Charla was partnered with her and so lost as well. Mirna was weak, whiny, bossy, obnoxious, a drama queen, in short, a Flo clone. Charla was the exact opposite. What helped them the most was the combination of Charla's can-do spirit and their language ability. My cousin Linda should go on the show - I think there's still one language out there she doesn't know.

Two weeks ago I cheered when the brothers Marshall and Lance were eliminated, although Mirna and Colin came on strong in the obnoxious department after their departure. And it was too bad that they had to drop out due to one of them having a painful leg injury (OK, I couldn't keep track of which was which). This week would have made it three in a row of teams I dislike being eliminated.

At this point, I wouldn't mind a win by Brandon and Nicole, Chip and Kim, or Linda and Karen. Kami and Karli are too clueless and Colin is far too obnoxious -- including being a complete jerk towards Christie after his meltdown at the police station. Given their track record, I don't think Linda and Karen are going to pull out the victory, although if you get the right taxi driver in the final episode anything is possible. Chip has clearly emerged as the most likable of the contestants still in it, what with Bob and Joyce and Jim and Marsha gone. Kim is pretty quiet and seems content to let Chip do almost everything. Brandon and Nicole are too pretty, but otherwise pretty unexceptional.

Even on the fifth season, we're still all hooked on Amazing Race in the Murphy Family.


I’ve never actually followed one of these reality shows until THIS particular series. Apparently I’m not the only one rooting for the twins and Colin to get the royal boot! Fast forward 5 years and you get the feeling the cops will be showing up at his house on a domestic fight call.

Chip is a stud if for no other reason that he left Colin’s team in the dust when it came to eating food, first the caviar then the ostrich egg. (Saying grace before he consumed the egg was a nice touch.) While I gag at the Christians claiming they are “models,” they seem nice enough. However, am I the only one that finds it somewhat odd that Brandon refused to drink one shot of Vodka because he wanted to avoid “all appearances of evil,” yet he has no reservations about going around the world with his girlfriend? …I’m sure they are staying in separate rooms.

By the way Kevin, I enjoyed your comment on The Evangelical Outpost regarding Eros and Christians. I had to quote you on our site.

Chip is a great traveling companion because he's always so upbeat and just let's trouble roll off him.

I'm amazed by what we Christians worry about and what we don't give a second thought to. So much for what comes out making us unclean rather than what goes in.

I love that statistic. Anybody would have a warped view of Evangelicals if all they know is what they see on TV or read in the paper.

Oh, television. I see.

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