In God We Trust


In God We Trust, all others pay cash.

Michael Newdow is trying to have "In God We Trust" removed from US currency. I don't care, but don't our courts have better things to worry about? I'm an evangelical Christian, so I think what's written on our hearts is far more important to God than what's written on our money. Take it off, leave it on, makes no difference to me. That isn't the case for everyone, though.

Maybe Mr. Newdow has the right idea for the wrong reason. Maybe we should sell "motto rights" to each individual piece of currency. Think of the money we cold raise if corporations would pay to put their name, logo, or motto on the currency. If big oil did it, would Congress promise to use that money to defray the costs of home heating?

I have to admit I don't really pay much attention to what's on there - just enough to let me tell it apart, although the mint keeps screwing with the nickel and freaks me out with every change - the friendly game of golf (it looks like golf clubs and a handshake to me) on the back, the ancient bireme, the ocean view on the back and the weird just Jefferson's face on the front. But I couldn't tell you what's written on there, or if it changes.

So why should a court rule to have the motto removed? Because somebody is offended? And don't tell me it violates the separation of Church and State, since that isn't a constitutional provision. Instead, the first amendment reads (in relevant part) "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof". Putting God on money clearly doesn't violate free exercise thereof, but does it constitute establishing a religion?

I suppose you could argue that it establishes a monotheistic religion with just three tenets: God exists, there is only one God, and we trust God. Seems pretty slim to me, but I tell you what, if the Supreme Court declares that putting "In God We Trust" on something makes it an official religion, I'll slap it on all my possessions and tell the IRS hands off because its now religious property in the "In God We Trust" religion. I suppose for those who adhere to the notion that "all religions are basically the same" (I'm not a believer in that church) then those three are enough. I'd just point out that there are huge differences between Christianity and Islam, although they in theory worship the same God.

I think the Supreme Court adopted the right policy when it comes to "In God We Trust": Leave us out of it.

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