Survival Gear


Paul Graham writes in The Island Test:

I've discovered a handy test for figuring out what you're addicted to. Imagine you were going to spend the weekend at a friend's house on a little island off the coast of Maine. There are no shops on the island and you won't be able to leave while you're there. Also, you've never been to this house before, so you can't assume it will have more than any house might.

What, besides clothes and toiletries, do you make a point of packing? That's what you're addicted to. For example, if you find yourself packing a bottle of vodka (just in case), you may want to stop and think about that.

For me the list is four things: books, earplugs, a notebook, and a pen.

Oddly enough, that is exactly the four things I packed above and beyond clothes and toiletries (and 5 flashlights - it gets very dark in the wilderness). I brought the notebook and pen for writing, hoping to get thoughts down and even a bunch of blog posts in the can, but I only used them for official Boy Scout Business - mainly taking notes at the leaders meeting, and some signing off in their scout books. I didn't crack my book open, although I did read a good part of an issue of Atlantic when I was virtually alone in camp as most everyone had gone on the canoe overnight campinging trip - yes, a camping trip within a camping trip, only this time no tents but still rain.

And that brings us to the ear plugs. Mr. Graham and I bring them for the same reason - quiet. Only where he wants quiet so he can think, I want them so I can sleep. I used my earplugs just as I wanted - every night. They are the best value in weight you'll ever take on a camping trip. I have to agree with Mr. Graham's final sentiments:

There is a point where I'll do without books. I was walking in some steep mountains once, and decided I'd rather just think, if I was bored, rather than carry a single unnecessary ounce. It wasn't so bad. I found I could entertain myself by having ideas instead of reading other people's. If you stop eating jam, fruit starts to taste better.

So maybe I'll try not bringing books on some future trip. They're going to have to pry the plugs out of my cold, dead ears, however.

I could do without the books, notebook and pens, but I couldn't have survived 6 days in camp without those earplugs.

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Kevin Murphy published on July 18, 2006 12:07 PM.

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Radiocarbon Dating and Climate Change is the next entry in this blog.

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